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| chanel Now while concluding the talk she out of her sheer innocence drags you down to a very difficult corner by asking; € Sweet heart tell how was your day today € where were you since morning? What all transpired etc. etc. honey I am sure that if I shall hear it all then my depths shall ease and I shall be able to sleep at ease € € This last request by your wife now takes you towards a helpless corner where there are not many options left; for a one single reason that now if at all you deviate then the entire fabric of lies shall have to be woven in order to weave the activities and movements of that particular day € and you are not prepared to a pile of lies that shall become a heavier burden over an already burdened heart. Something within you triggers that last weapon at hands of the male community around this world; when you don € t want to respond, they (males in general) then exhibit their annoyance which has no ground beneath its arousal but in any way most of the times this exhibition of unnecessary and unreasonable annoyance affords them an opportunity to sneak in some by lanes as an escape route that moment. You exhibit your annoyance by saying: € Now is this the time for me to spend another one hour detailing you minute to minute of my moves during this day; how many times I went to the wash room? How many times I washed my hands? If you are so inclined for all such investigating details then you should have better refrained from leaving home. I don € t intend to spoil your mood but this is not the time for such detailing € € While sharing these words somewhere within you your own tender heart is getting hurt since you shall never ever like your wife sitting so far to get suppressed on account of such unreasonable behavior this moment € but man this was the only option before any ordinary male to save situation from worsening. The beauty of this world stands that 70 % or more of the married men around this world, irrespective of region, religion and ethnicity never think to pain their wives on account of their conduct € and this fact actually travels with another fact that the wives in fact get pained at most times merely on account of communication problems € according to me € their (wives) highest concerns leave them with more pain for reason that run beyond control by most of the men € . This Dichotomy runs with an excellent truth; both i.e. men & women € they actually mean something else, they in fact say something else and the outcome of their communication turns out as something else € A strange phenomenon that needs a great orientation at both the ends but there are no classrooms for it € instead the immediate resolve to most are the courts € that are not the appropriate ground for learning more about each other € Isn € t it a fact amidst husband and wife that both forces of attraction and repel work simultaneously to extents that these forces draw good intelligent and wise men and women towards a most irrational and inconsiderate conduct that leads towards conflict in place of harmonious co-existence. Your wife on gathering your annoyance than with a fading voice coveys you good night and disconnects the cell phone. O man-man for you the moment now stands sorted € but there you are deeply immersed into the manner the call has been disconnected € you don € t feel comforted within and immediately pick up the phone devoid of any consideration and call her. Your words € Honey I am so sorry € please € just that I did not feel like getting into detailing of nity-gritty that I € € . She immediately picks up the thread from your inconclusive talk and conveys you her happiness € that indeed she is € since she is more comforted to have your call € then she informs you about the concerns she developed on listening to your voice borne with some depth and pain € the call prolongs wherein she is now sharing her moments of that day and then the call concludes with all happiness. The children by that time had slept otherwise they too shall have intervened to convey their part € You come down to the bed and do not want to switch off the light on one basic account that darkness today shall not leave you with any easiness therefore with lights on you try your best to sleep € More than one thousand different kinds of thoughts keep flashing within your brain € factual, imaginative etc. it becomes very late and then the force sitting atop your eyes grows so heavy that it forces its spell over your brain and you fall asleep € The door bell going repeatedly forces you to drag yourself out of a sleep that was grossly engrossed into countless running dreams and you force yourself to leave the bed and move out towards the main door to respond the intermittent ringing door bell € the light behind the curtains inform you that it is daytime € you open the door and there stands € (To be continued) desire2will.com. dinesh kumar (learning under discipline). kate spade bags mbt uk Talk to your doctor if you are interested in a procedure. 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