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womens plus size clothes
moncaselesaData: Duminica, 08.11.2015, 15:15:54 | Mesaj # 1
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Womens Plus Size Clothes
Time was when buying decent womens plus size clothes was all but impossible.
Designers seemed to think that if a woman was built a little larger, or if she
had simply become a little larger over the years, that she didn't deserve to
look good. Well, that was the feeling that many women had on the situation.
Now it's all changed. Happily you can find a section for womens plus size
clothes in nearly all decent department stores and boutiques. In addition, large
women have some pretty respectable clothing stores all their own. Whether you're
a large women looking for career clothes, lingerie that actually fits, jeans, an
evening gown for a special occasion, or simply clothes to hang out in, it's all
available if you only know where to look.
Of course many of the stores that sell womens plus size clothes charge a
little more than they do for the smaller sizes. But the great thing is that we
can all find clothes that we love to wear and that look great on us. How much is
self esteem worth is the question we have to ask.
In the past, any fashions that were intended for plus size women tended to be
baggy and shapeless, and not likely to make anyone feel attractive or even
stylish. Again, all that has changed and most definitely for the better. Many
forward thinking clothing manufacturers have seen the error of their ways, and
now we can find lots of styles that are simply larger versions of what's
available for our skinny sisters.
But some of us actually prefer to wear special womens plus size clothes that
are designed especially to accentuate our good points and play down what we'd
rather not make a point of, such as huge hips or a thick middle. Whatever is
your own personal style, there is now enough choice in the larger sizes that you
can make your own decisions and forge your own path in the fashion world. What
we wear is no longer dictated to us by insensitive designers.
The Joy of Larger Clothing
To some larger women the greatest joy is to actually find a collection of
romantic and beautiful lingerie that fits us with style and grace. If any of you
out there are still in the habit of squeezing yourself into a garment that's
several sizes too small, don't do it is the expert advice. Lingerie in
particular can be very uncomfortable if it doesn't fit properly, and it can even
restrict your blood and lymph flow which can be dangerous, and at best is not
likely to make you feel beautiful.
Other big, beautiful ladies are thrilled because they can actually find
really attractive active wear for all their activities. Swimming, jogging,
sailing and more are all possible with the expanded range of clothing available
in larger sizes. There's no longer a limit to where, when and how we can look
Whatever You're Doing
In short, whatever you're doing and wherever you are, you can now find womens
plus size clothes that are just right for the occasion. We can even get married
now, whereas only a few years back sizes stopped at 20, or even 16 in some
cases. It can be very heartening to go out and buy whatever you have in mind
instead of planning for a very expensive tailoring job to pick up the shortfall
in the stores.
HamilgyncData: Marti, 31.01.2017, 15:46:51 | Mesaj # 2
Rang: Membrii
Mesaje: 45
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Status: Offline
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